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IOS introduction programming


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Event iOs programming introduction
Name iOs programming introduction
Duration 2011/11/05 - 2011/11/05

* Location: TkkrLab, Kloosterstraat
* Open from: 14:00

This lecture is given bij Michael Feiri, Ph.D. Student at University of Twente.

The used language will be English

We have place for maximum of 20 participants so if you want to join sign in by sending a email to tkkrlab of fill in this form

Some knowledge of general programming (any language) is advised to follow this workshop.

The workshop is open for everyone, you dont need to be a member of tkkrlab or student of utwente/saxion.

This workshop is for free (gratis) although a small donation is appreciated.



If you want to participate with the practical part you need:

  • a Mac book (of course)
  • Xcode, latest version.


  • 14:00 - 16:00 Introduction iOS Programming
  • 16:30 - 18:30 Workshop to build your own program.


Still 11 places available.

  • Zeno
  • retrace
  • wouter
  • Vicarious
  • lolmaker93
  • Merlin
  • Sjoerd
  • Bjarne?
  • fill your name..

Or sending a email to tkkrlab of fill in this form