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Midi Organ


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Project: Midi Organ
Name Midi Organ
Initiator Duality and Renze
Status 4.2% finished
Skills Midi, Hardware, C/C++, avr. (musical skills not needed)
Summary A Midi Organ for learning and controle, and fun.


The idea

The idea is to take all the electronics out and put in our own, interface some microcontrollers to the buttons and sliders on the organ.

Several separate MIDI-devices will be made:

* The button panel on the left.
* The buttons on the bottom of the top panel.
* The piano keys.
* The pedals.
* The top panel with most of the sliders.

We'll put a PC inside of the organ plus an amplifier connected to the original speakers. The PC will run some software (e.g. LMMS) that can interface to MIDI-devices.

what is it?

The type of the organ is Eminent Solina f217.

It is a analog organ, lots of mixers and oscillators inside.

It is pretty old, but it has a lot of sliders and buttons, and it has 88 single-velocity keys split into two piano keyboards.

how are we going to build it

every panel will have a microcontroller inside, except for the piano-keys that will have a arduino mega because of the number of pins connected.

every panel will then send it's midi commands over uart, towards a single microcontroller, maybe the arduino mega. the usb interface chip on it (atmega16u) will be configured as a midi-usb device.

that way we can connect multiple panels to a single usb device.

the usb serial chip will be programmed with mocolufa software that does this for you. a header connection put's it back into usb-serial mode for uploading firmware.

the pc will be installed with arch, and lmms will be installed.

a amplifier will be connected to the pc and to the speakers.


What works

The piano keyboard part works, finally.

What doesn't



piano software:

What did we learn.

DONT use zeners in keyboards/diode matreces.
