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Lockpicking Workshop


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Event Lockpicken workshop
Name Lockpicken workshop
Duration 2012/04/14 - 2012/04/14
Information Lockpicking workshop

* Location: TkkrLab, Kloosterstraat 1, Enschede
* Open from: 14:00


Jos of wil give us a introduction to lockpicking.

What is Lockpicking?

Lockpicking is the art of opening a lock without damaging it or using a key. This 'opening without damage' can be done in various ways, but is generally done with special tools for that purpose. Tools?

So-called 'lockpick sets' are available. In these sets a number of lockpick tools may be found. These little toolsets are freely available, and are not restricted by special laws or the like. Which makes sense, considering such a set is worthless without the proper knowledge and a lot, a whole lot of practice.

Practice, Practice, Practice

To get you started with lockpicking you will get the basics of lockpicking and start to open some simple locks. Locks and lockpicks tools are provided, if you have your own locks you want to practice on bring them along.


Free (as in gratis) including coffee/thee but a small donation is appreciated.


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