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IoT WiFi modules


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Vendor Board name Revision Controller Memory Memory connection Pins # of GPIO Pitch Form factor LEDs Antenna type Shielded dimensions mm
AI-Thinker ESP-01 1 ESP8266 512KB SPI Flash 8 2 (+UART) .1“ 2×4 DIL Yes Etched on PCB No 14.3 x 24.8
AI-Thinker ESP-01 2 ESP8266 1MB SPI Flash 8 2 (+UART) .1“ 2×4 DIL Yes Etched on PCB No 14.3 x 24.8
AI-Thinker ESP-02 1 ESP8266 512KB SPI Flash 8 2 (+UART) .1” 2×4 notch No SMT connector No 14.2 x 14.2
AI-Thinker ESP-03 1 ESP8266 14 7 (+UART) 2mm 2×7 notch No Creamic No 17.3 x 12.1
AI-Thinker ESP-04 1 ESP8266 14 2mm 2×4 notch No None No 14.7 x 12.1
AI-Thinker ESP-05 1 ESP8266 5 .1“ 1×5 SIL No SMT connector No 14.2 x 14.2
AI-Thinker ESP-06 1 ESP8266 20 7 (+UART) misc 4×3 dice No None Yes 16.3 x 13.1
AI-Thinker ESP-06 2 ESP8266 20 (12+GND) 9 (+UART) misc 4×3 dice No None Yes 16.3 x 13.1
AI-Thinker ESP-07 1 ESP8266 16 2mm 2×8 pinhole Yes Ceramic Yes 20.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-08 1 ESP8266 14 2mm 2×7 notch No None Yes 17.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-08 2 ESP8266 16 2mm 2×8 notch No None Yes 18.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-09 ESP8266 20 (12+GND) misc 4×3 dice No None No 10.0 x 10.0
AI-Thinker ESP-10 ESP8266 5 2mm 1×5 notch No None No 14.2 x 10.0
AI-Thinker ESP-11 ESP8266 8 1.27mm 1×8 pinhole No Ceramic No
AI-Thinker ESP-12 ESP8266 16 2mm 2×8 notch Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-12 E ESP8266 4MB SPI Flash 22 2mm 2×8 notch Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-12 D ESP8266 4MB SPI Flash 22 2mm 2×8 notch Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-12 Q ESP8266 4MB SPI Flash 22 2mm 2×8 notch Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-12 F ESP8266 22 2mm 2×8 notch Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.0 x 16.0
AI-Thinker ESP-13 ESP8266 18 1.5mm 2×9 No Etched-on PCB Yes
AI-Thinker ESP-14 ESP8266 22 2mm 2×8 + 6 Yes Etched-on PCB Yes 24.3 x 16.2
Espressif WROOM-02 ESP8266 18 1.5mm 2×9 No Etched on PCB Yes 20.0 x 18.0
Wireless-Tag WT8266-S1 ESP8266 18 1.5mm 3×6 Yes Etched on PCB Yes 15.0 x 18.6
AI-Thinker ESP-8285 1 ESP8285 1MB SPI Flash Built in No None Yes


Texas Instruments
