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Arduino KY-036 Metal touch sensor module


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Arduino KY-036 Metal touch sensor module Sku 121514 1.jpg

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KEYES ARDUINO touch module

Metal Touch Interface module and number 13 comes with LED build a simple circuit to produce a touch cue lights 13 comes with digital interfaces of the LED, the metal touch sensor connected digital three interfaces, when a metal touch Sensor senses a key signal, LED ights, otherwise off.

Example Code

int Led = 13 ; // define LED Interface
int buttonpin = 3; // define Metal Touch Sensor Interface
int val ; // define numeric variables val
void setup ()
  pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ; // define LED as output interface
  pinMode (buttonpin, INPUT) ; // define metal touch sensor output interface
void loop ()
  val = digitalRead (buttonpin) ; // digital interface will be assigned a value of 3 to read val
  if (val == HIGH) // When the metal touch sensor detects a signal, LED flashes
    digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (Led, LOW);