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Tkkrlab (pronounce as Tukker-Lab) is a initiative started on 28 december 2010 to create a makerspace (also called hackerspace) in Twente.

Don't be scared that we break into your computer, we use the word hacker in wide meaning of the word. See the references on the bottom of this page for more info.

A makerspace is a pshysical meeting place to build art- hard- and software projects, keep lectures and workshops and have social gatheringins.

There are many of these kind of places around the world and a few in The Netherlands and now also in Twente.

We have every week on Tuesday 19:00 a meeting, if you want to visit us to get to know us your welcome. See the agenda for information about the next meeting(s).

We can be contacted in several ways see the communication page for more details.

We are a official foundation, see the Board members of TkkrLab.

So wrong writing is : Tkkrlb, tukker lab, tukkerlab, tkkerlab and tukkrlab. Its TkkrLab (check upper/lower case!)
