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Tkkrlab Token Ring Network


Revision as of 21:33, 12 June 2013 by Jawsper (Talk | contribs)

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Project: Tkkrlab Token Ring Network
Name Tkkrlab Token Ring Network
Initiator User:Jawsper
Status Being designed
Skills Networking
Summary Building a token ring network in Tkkrlab and writing our own protocol for it.

Our plan was to relive the old days: A token ring network. We're going to create a protocol for it which is versatile, 'secure' and also lightweight.

Interfacing with the rest of the network

Because we obviously cannot connect our ring directly to the network, we have to use a computer to interface the ring with the Ethernet. I suggest a central computer to which you send a packet(Using a special protocol? TEIP?) and from which you can get returns.

See also