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Autonomous Robot


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The aim and why

The aim was, to make a robot that could avoid walls, and then as something extra let it decide to what side it should steer. it started as a project for IT class. it wasn't finished by the time i showed it, but still got a 8 :D


What do you need? and what are the requirements? you need a arduino you need a Dfrobot motorshield. you need a protoshield(not a requirement, but a breadboard/protoshield comes in handy) you need a URM37 v3.0 ultra sonic sensor. and some kind of carriage, like i used the old chassis of a toy car. and a few servo's

and you need some experience in programming on, and in the arduino programming environmental.

here is where you get the latest arduino IDE:

i recommend this guy he thought me well :) great tutorial, great build up, and explanation.


Done by Lcneon