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Project: ledmatrix clock
Ledmatrix-clock Picture.jpg
Name ledmatrix clock
Initiator Michiel Brink
Status finished
Skills python c (msp430 firmware)
Summary an awesome clock on a matrix
msp430 launchpad inside the matrix
schematic connector on ledmatrix

Is it a television? No! it´s a ledmatrix clock ;)

In this project, I took a ledmatrix without controller and I have made a controller for it with a msp430 launchpad and a msp430g2553 Micro-controller.

How it works is a python script what transfer the time to the ledmatrix over "rs232/uart"


The msp430g2553 decode the time, and display it by bitbanging the led´s on one row by SPI. The rows are also bitbanged so the whole matrix is filled with blinking leds ;) .


For the firmware: