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Project: ArduSat emulation
ArduSat Picture.jpg
Name ArduSat emulation
Initiator zeno4ever
Status Active
Skills Arduino, 3d printing
Summary Simulation of a ArduSat for the Gogbot

For the Gogbot of 2014 the theme is "Spaceship Earth" so i thought it would be nice to do something related to this theme. Some time ago here was a kick starter project for a Arduino Satellite. The ArduSat was in space from 19 Nov 2013 till 15 April 2014. The software needed for the ArduSat is installed on the TkkrLab Laptop nr 7.

I decided to create two model from this satellite, one physical model with a 3D print and a model of the used electronics (a Arduino and sensors)

3D model

This was relative easy, i found this 3D model and pinted it in FabLab Enschede. As you can see its not a big thing, its only 10x10x10 cm (around 4x4x4 inch). In the official specifications a Cube Sat may have a maximum weight of 1.3 Kg

Electronics model

I also made a Arduino with the same sensors as on the ArduSat, this all works very well. With one night of experimenting I created a source code with all the sensors reading on one I2C bus. Basically its mostly finding the the right library and copy past of the code. Now I have one code with readouts of all the sensor, with similar hardware to what is used in the ArduSat.

Connect the sensors via a I2C bus to the Arduino board (see this hookup guide)

The source code with all the sensors demo code merged you can find here

Used sensors:

  • SEN-09839 Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout (ADXL345) (I2C libary)
  • SEN-10619 Triple Axis Magnetometer Breakout (MAG3110)
  • SEN-11977 Triple Axis Digital output Gyro Breakout (ITG 3200)
  • SEN-12055 Luminosity Senso Breakout (TSL2561)

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