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Project: OpenROV
Name OpenROV
Initiator Ylebre & Jawsper
Status Investigating availability of parts
Skills Everything
Summary Underwater

Ylebre and jawsper plan to build an OpenROV ([1]). This is a small, cheap underwater robot, connected to land with a tether for control (and potentially power).

Current points of action

  • Acryl parts
  • Where to get the controller board


The housing will be made of several tubes and laser cut pieces of acryl. We can probably use the laser cutter at FabLab for this.

Potentially suitable homeplugs

These are sorted by cheapness

  • Here is a cheap Tenda P200, which is also known to work: Ebay


This post explains some of the important things to keep in mind for power over the tether, and a possible solution.

Parts list


  • Housing
  • Power (batteries/lipo cells)
  • Custom electronics
  • Off-the-shelf electronics
  • Tether (AWG20)