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When creating programs for the Arduino people cannot see the actual state on the different ports directly. They have to write code for debugging and write that state to the serial port. This project will show that state on a computer screen with minimal changes to the software project on the Arduino. It will be even possible to influence the state on outgoing ports.

On the computer side different measurement elements can de added to the ports and from that moment the Arduino will be asked to send data for that port to the computer.

The protocol used will allow other serial traffic that the port state and show it on a serial console.


  • Write a screen element that shows the historic changes on a port.
  • Calculate layout of the elements so lines won't intersect and elements will be placed on a logical position.
  • Different elements for current state like input level on a Analog Input or the state of a digital port.
  • Elements that send data to the ports like switches and push buttons.
  • Serial console to show the rest of the serial data from the Arduino.
  • Serial console that can also send text data to the Arduino.