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Event Python Course
Name Python Course
Contact Jurjen
Duration 2012/02/06 - 2012/03/05
Information Python course every monday from 20:00 till 22:00.

* Location: TkkrLab, Kloosterstraat 1, Enschede
* Open from: 20:00


Python is a popular language that helps you quickly from an idea to a working program. It has all the features and libraries of a fully grown language. There are some caveats though:

  • There is no inbuilt static typing, it allows for type checking but it is discouraged.
  • It performs badly with multi-threading for faster calculations but a solution is on the horizon.

The language used during the course will probably be Dutch, if there are several participants English speakers we'll do it in English. If you want to join email or add your name at the bottom of this page.

The python version used during the course will be version 2.7. Differences between this version and 3.0 will be part of the material but not discussed much. See PythonSoftware for the software used during the course.

  • The course material PythonMaterial will be written on this wiki, feel free to take a sneak peek but the actual sessions will include actual programming not only the boring bits.
  • The example code is in material.

When writing software it is vital to write small parts that can be quickly tested. And to learn how to program people have to learn to pick useful bits of other programs.

For more plans and details look at PythonCourseRoadMap.


This course is for free (as in gratis) but a donation is very appreciated

Course requirements

Bringing your own laptop helps. The needed software setup ( PythonSoftware ) will be discussed during the first course(s).


There is place for 15 persons: +- 1 left